Proclaiming the Gospel
- Andy Cargal, "Tours and Testimonies", Ensign, July 2007, pp. 32-37
An article on the temple square mission.
- Donna Pike Jones, "Too Busy to Share the Gospel?", Ensign, July 2007, pp. 38-39
Donna shares an experience she had where she felt she was too busy to share the gospel, but unexpectedly found an opportunity anyway.
Missionary work to be done in the last days.
- Elder Quentin L. Cook, "Be a Missionary All Your Life", Ensign, September 2008, pp. 44-49
Some tips on being a good member-missionary.
- Joseph Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith", pp. 40-41
When preaching the gospel, "avoid contentions and vain disputes with men of corrupt minds, who do not desire to know the truth."
- Joseph Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith", p. 85-87
As the Elders go about warning the inhabitants of the Earth to gather together, they should not commence with the children and the wives, but with the fathers, nor should they seek to persuade children and wives to gather contrary to a father's will, but if the father will not gather, then they should obtain permission to teach his family, and failing that, the sin be upon the head of the father. (The same paradigm is applied to parents and children as well as master and slave.)
Reprint of an address delivered in October 1946
Speaks about the obligation we as church members have to spread the Gospel.
"missionary work at home must increase as never before. We shall employ every modern device—the telephone, telegraph, radio, printing press, the short wave systems … , and the other devices that are coming."