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  • Brigham Young, "Building Up Zion, Etc.", Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 155
"If we do not feel like [praying], we should pray till we do."
"When the time comes to have prayers, let them be made, and there will be no danger."
Prophetic counsel to use "thee", "thy", and "thou" rather than "you", "your", and "ye".
What Prayer Is.
Why We Pray.
Pray to the Father.
Ask for Temporal and Spiritual Blessings.
Pray for Others.
When and Where to Pray.
How to Pray.
Use Both Agency and Prayer.
Follow the Formalities of Prayer.
- Among other things, mentions using "thee", "thou", and "thy".
Live as You Pray.
the way we address our Father in Heaven in prayer
-Use a simple salutation.
use the sacred language of prayer
-"thee", "thou", "thy"
offer prayers of gratitude
  • Tad R. Callister, "The Inevitable Apostasy", pp. 255-259
How the mode of prayer was corrupted during the apostasy.


The guiding principle seems, clearly, to be, that application of biblical language in prayer, enhances our devotion, shows respect for the Lord, and brings more of a spirit of reverence to prayers. Dallin H. Oaks makes a good point regarding this principle, that this special language is a learned skill, yet all should pray. It is not necessary to speak biblically then, but rather to offer up the best that we have and seek to grow in our ability.

It has, rather, been reasoned, that because prophets now pray using biblical language, that this means we should, or because the Book of Mormon uses thee's and thou's, we should. The Bible is even cited as exemplary authority on this issue, it being entirely neglected that this language was not special at the time of the translation of the King James Version of the Bible. Thee's and thou's are not restricted to God. This is the same in the Book of Mormon, except that such language was less common. It is noteworthy, however, that even in modern times, thee's and thou's are used in the translation of ancient texts as they give more accuracy to the translation. The Book of Mormon does not use "thee" and "thou" as honorary pronouns for God, but rather as second person singular pronouns properly and precisely indicating the nature of the entity being addressed. This is also the case in the Doctrine and Covenants, where thee's and thou's are likewise used for all second person singular references regardless of whether or not God is being addressed. This then is the tradition under which the prophets have labored, and thus, seems natural for them, traditionally.

The Doctrine and Covenants, provides a good starting point to suggest the language is important for us even today. The Doctrine and Covenants is not a translation, yet it contains this biblical language. We might see this as the beginning of the modern tradition of using this language for our own prayers and the Lord responds in kind. This is highly suggestive of its importance and yet is perhaps even more telling, in that since the special language is used universally, then in our prayers, perhaps we ought to do the same. Usually this isn't an issue, however, except when giving a blessing.

The use of the special language tends to strengthen reverence, which is conducive to the spirit. Perhaps less importantly, the language is also more precise.
