- Nephi obtains the brass plates by deceiving Zoram.
- "And there shall also be many which shall say: .. God—he will justify in committing a little sin; yea, lie a little, take the advantage of one because of his words, dig a pit for thy neighbor ..."
- Moroni "thought it no sin that he should defend [the Nephites] by stratagem"
- Satan "telleth [us] that it is no sin to lie that ... [we] may destroy ..."
- Liars among those destined for the Telestial Kingdom.
- "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
It is interesting to note that I am not aware that the scriptures specifically enjoin against lying as a whole, but rather enjoins against "bearing false witness against your neighbor", or against "[Deceiving] and [laying] in wait to catch, that ye may destroy". Despite this, most church literature on the subject of lying advocates a less nuanced approach. This may be simpler to understand, but the scriptures give instances where deception is used to advance the Lord's work, and the inclusion of qualifiers strongly suggest that "white" lies may actually have place, whereby a lie is told in order to thwart the adversary and promote the work of the Lord. Based on the qualifiers used, we might imagine that a "white" (or good) lie, might be any lie which the spirit of the Lord prompts us to tell, which is not designed as a trap for our fellow-man, or which is designed to thwart the designs of the destroyer, might be examples of permissible lies.
Lying as an item of prohibition seems to be closely related to, trapping others. The Nephites seem to have been keenly aware of this leading to the odd note in Alma 43:30 that Moroni "thought it no sin that he should defend [the Nephites] by stratagem". At least, this note always seemed odd to me, since strategem would seem an integral element of defense which would seem extremely permissible. However, if the Nephites linked strategem, or trapping, with lying, in a fundamental way, it would seem clear that Moroni, and/or historians writing about him, would need to develop clear reasoning as to why his course of action was permissible.
It should be noted that abusing trust or authority to deceive others for personal gain, or to hide our sins, would clearly be morally wrong, and is an example of Unrighteous Dominion.