Bearing Testimony

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But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man. Wo unto such, for mine anger is kindled against them.
Nephi testifies to his brothers of his father's mission.
"Let me suggest a couple of problems that can sometimes lessen the influence of the Spirit in our lives. One is when we talk about our testimonies (“I have a testimony”) rather than actually bearing our testimony (“I know that Christ lives”). It also helps to tell why we know. We might share some of the specific things that have happened to us to give us our knowledge."
"After the sacrament, the bishopric member who is conducting the meeting bears a brief testimony. He then invites members to bear heartfelt testimonies and to relate faith-promoting experiences. The bishopric encourages members to keep their testimonies brief so more people may have the opportunity to participate."
"It may be best to have young children learn to share their testimonies in settings such as family home evening or when giving talks in Primary until they are old enough to do so in a fast and testimony meeting without assistance from a parent, sibling, or other person."
"There are four absolutes about which it is always appropriate for us to testify:"
"The first is that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior, the Mediator and Redeemer of the world."
"The second is that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and reestablished the church of Christ upon the earth with its keys and authority."
"The third is that all of the Presidents of the Church since Joseph Smith have been successors in that power and authority."
"The fourth is that President Gordon B. Hinckley is the only prophet of God upon the earth, holding all of the keys, powers, and authorities of the Church in the earth today."
"My experience throughout the Church leads me to worry that too many of our members’ testimonies linger on “I am thankful” and “I love,” and too few are able to say with humble but sincere clarity, “I know.” As a result, our meetings sometimes lack the testimony-rich, spiritual underpinnings that stir the soul and have meaningful, positive impact on the lives of all those who hear them."
"Our testimony meetings need to be more centered on the Savior, the doctrines of the gospel, the blessings of the Restoration, and the teachings of the scriptures. We need to replace stories, travelogues, and lectures with pure testimonies."
"Having a testimony alone is not enough. In fact, when we are truly converted, we cannot be restrained from testifying."
"Although we can have testimonies of many things as members of the Church, there are basic truths we need to constantly teach one another and share with those not of our faith. Testify God is our Father and Jesus is the Christ. The plan of salvation is centered on the Savior’s Atonement. Joseph Smith restored the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Book of Mormon is evidence that our testimony is true."
  • Elder Jay E. Jensen, "Bearing Testimony", Ensign, Oct. 2005
What a testimony is.
What a testimony is not.
  • Gordon B. Hinckley, "Inspirational Thoughts", Ensign, September 2007, Subheading: "I Know the Gospel Is True"
Gordon B. Hinckley bears his testimony. This is an excelent example.
