
From Sean's Gospel Topical Guide
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Nephi asserts that because his parents were good, they taught him.
Parents to teach their children the gospel and to pray. Otherwise, the sin is on the parents' heads.
Satan has no power to tempt until the age of accountability. Great thing are required of their fathers during this time.
Treats on allowing children to suffer consequences and the never-ending nature of the responsibilities of parents.
Discussion of the standard parents are to teach children, and how parents can do this.
Some good thoughts and experience on respecting the agency of children while maximizing their opportunities to develop.
This is an opinion piece written while Proposition 8, a proposition which sought to amend the California Constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage in California, was to be voted on.
Written by a self-described liberal, the opinion argues in favor of proposition 8 on the grounds of a child's right to have a mother and a father. While not all of the ideas expressed are in line with the restored gospel, the main thrust of the article is very similar to some rather novel teachings presented in The Family: A Proclamation to the World.
Upon finding herself pregnant unexpectedly, the author describes how she rediscovered through Nephi ("I will go and do") that the Lord supports us when we do his will, even if we don't know how he will do it. Particularly, that he supports parents who righteously seek to multiply and replenish the Earth as the Lord commanded.
  • Pres. John Taylor, "The Government of God", p. 10
Pres. Taylor speaks of over-urbanization in the face of so much uninhabited land, and notes that "so fearfully does this prevail in many parts, that parents are afraid to fulfil the first great law of God, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth ;' and by desperate circumstances are almost forced to the unnatural wish of not propagating their species".
"A question may be asked—'Will mothers have their children in eternity?' Yes! Yes! Mothers, you shall have your children; for they shall have eternal life, for their debt is paid. There is no damnation awaiting them for they are in the spirit. But as the child dies, so shall it rise from the dead, and be for ever living in the learning of God. It will never grow [in the grave]; it will still be the child, in the same precise form [when it rises] as it appeared before it died out of its mother’s arms, but possessing all the intelligence of a God."
Review of research finding that conservative parents tend to see better mental health outcomes in their children.
Discusses the application of a theoretically optimal parenting style combining demandingness and warmth.
Does not discuss personality issues or nature vs. nurture. That would be nice to see.
