Mothers Working Outside the Home

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  • Shauna Bird Dunn, "Mother, Come Home", Ensign, April 2007, p.9

Shauna tells her experience of discovering where the Lord wanted her to be.

  • Elder Dale E. Miller, "The Effective Elders Quorum", Ensign, April 2005

"But the Lord has offered an old program in new dress, and it gives promise ... to bring mother home from social life and employment ..."
Citing President Spencer W. Kimball in Conference Report, Apr. 1965, 61in referrence to home teaching

Especially for single mothers.
Interesting piece responding to a divorced mother with a child who was feeling like her child was being neglected when she worked outside the home.
Contrary to what I thought the answer should be, the answer, which seems to make more sense to me, is that single mothers should stay home with their children and find ways to support themselves with home. Family should help if necessary, and if still more is needed, the Lord has specifically revealed that church welfare is to help out.
It is that important to the Lord that children have their mothers to help them.

"Women have claim on their husbands for their maintenance, until their husbands are taken"
"And the storehouse shall be kept by the consecrations of the church; and widows and orphans shall be provided for"