Aaronic Priesthood
Includes the levitical priesthood (v. 1), or can be equated with the levitical priesthood (v. 6).
Has power to administer to "outward" ordinances.
Bishop holds the presidency of this priesthood.
Named after Aaron, to whom it was conferred.
Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood by John the Baptist.
Aaronic Priesthood discussed in comparison with the Melchizedek Priesthood.
To some extent, the Aaronic Priesthood's being equal to the Levitical Priesthood implies the containing of the Levitical Priesthood. However, it is also an odd way to speak of things. One might also consider that the term Levitical Priesthood is equivalent to the term Aaronic priesthood, but can also more particularly refer to the priesthood as held and passed through the lineage of Levi.