The Flood
- Enoch 10:1-3,22
- Enoch 54:7-9
Flood described.
- Enoch 65:1,10
Noah sees vision of the flood and Enoch explains it.
- Enoch 66
Noah sees the angels ready to let loose the floods.
- Enoch 67:2-3
Angels prepare a wooden structure to preserve life.
Noah's seed to be preserved.
- Enoch 89:1-7
Enoch sees the flood in a symbolic dream.
"Oh that mine eyes were [a cloud of] waters ..."
Flood predicted.
- Josephus 1.2.3
"... upon Adams prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water ..."
- Josephus 1.3
Josephus's coverage of the Flood.